Are your social media boundaries broken?

Now that we are under self quarantine to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus, I have struggled with the amount of time I’m on social media. 

Sound familiar? 


Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

False Starts and Dealing with People’s Expectations

Today as I write this I am 38 weeks pregnant exactly. I always feel at this stage like I am waiting until the end of the story.  I just want to know the ending because it will be a great story. But in the meantime, I just get to turn each boring page as I wait.

Today as I write this I am 38 weeks pregnant exactly.  And I have already had the midwives to my house twice, thinking this little soul was going to make her appearance earth side.

I am not someone quick to cry wolf.  I have been in labor 4 times before so I do know what it feels like and my body has done it before.  And both of these occasions were organized.

I wasn’t just having random contractions.  They were coming less than 5 minutes apart and were increasing in intensity.  My main midwife is an hour and 15 minutes away from my house. Back up midwives are just under a half-hour away and my friend the RN who caught my last baby with my husband is about 20 minutes away.  So some of this is trying to predict and have midwives here in time to actually catch the baby because my hubby really doesn’t want to be the one who catches her.

My first session of early labor (I hate the concept of false labor because even if it doesn’t result in the baby yet, it is still hard work and changes are still happening down there) was on New Year’s Day when this small one was just a day shy of 37 weeks.

We didn’t even have any clean newborn clothes because we had been having washer issues and I was waiting until we could have a hot water wash for her clothes.  Needless to say, we started a load of baby clothes washing that morning when the contractions picked up. I ended up puking a lot and that eventually stopped the contractions after like six hours or something.  The midwives decided I had probably picked up a short tummy flu going around and that all the puking had triggered the contractions in the first place.  

I was so miserable though.  I had pulled a muscle in my side from all the puking and had to use a heating pad for hours to get it to feel better.  I had felt like I had been sitting on my baby’s head all the day before and could not find a comfortable position. So while everyone else was making New Year’s plans and how 2020 was going to be different, I was contracting, puking or stuck in bed in pain trying to sleep.  Which wasn’t exactly how I was hoping to start the New Year, but honestly it’s just another day.

5 days later on a Sunday, the small one started having more than Braxton Hicks contractions again.  Especially if I was moving around. They started around 11:30 but we had friends coming over so I pretty much ignored them (because if you can ignore the contractions than the baby isn’t imminent in my experience).  However, after our friends left and I was walking around the contractions picked up and got as close to 2-3 minutes apart. Sitting down and holding still wasn’t comfortable and I did a lot of walking and then later having wide leg standing in my bedroom because the contractions had gotten intense enough that I could no longer walk and sometimes talk through them.  The midwife came again but after a couple of hours, the contractions backed off again and went to bed.

This is hubby’s first full week back at work since the holidays and it is weird having him 40 minutes away.  Baby continues to often give me Braxton Hicks when I am walking around the house, and it took about three days for my calves not to hurt every time I used them thanks to my activities Sunday night.

My almost 8-year-old is having trouble waiting for her sister to come.  She really wants to meet her and I tried to have a conversation with her yesterday about not asking me every two hours if the baby is on her way yet.  I know how hard it is to wait, I am waiting too. It’s like Christmas when you don’t know when that date will be and each day gets you closer but you don’t know where the finish line is either.

I didn’t expect to be here this soon.  My last three girls have come after their calendar due date, my third was 12 days after and my 4th was five.  So I am not expecting this one to be early. Having all these practice sessions are annoying. And exhausting, and silly me, I thought I would still have a little more energy while I am waiting for her to make up her mind.  

Just about everything is ready.  My girlfriends came over yesterday and helped me tidy up the baby stuff and get it all organized and ready for her.  Most of the laundry has happened and it’s just diapers that need to get washed and the cover over her car seat. I am so very tired though.  Some nights I get decent sleep and then I go for days with so much broken sleep that each day feels like a year because it is so broken up. Hubby has a colleague at work that asks him every day “What no baby yet?” even though I am not even at my due date yet.  I try to post something on Instagram every day so people know she’s not here yet, but some days I am too tired even for that.

I don’t choose the day my baby comes.  She gets to decide. It will be sometime in the next month.  It might be today, this week, next weekend. Who knows. I really hope the next time she gives me organized contractions she is ready to come out and meet the world.  We are certainly ready to meet her and her sisters are so excited to see who she is. I am excited to get past labor and move on to recovery. Right now so much of life seems to be on hold with bated breath.  Not that the world situation is helping with that feeling either. Hopefully, we will be welcoming her earthside soon. In the meantime, I am reading, crafting when I can, hanging with my girls and just trying to get through each day the best I can.  

I always feel at this stage like I am waiting until the end of the story.  I just want to know the ending because it will be a great story. But in the meantime, I just get to turn each boring page as I wait.

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Mommy Rebellion is Going on Break


Mommy Rebellion is going on a holiday break.  We won’t have any new posts on the blog until January and at that point, I will mainly be on maternity leave.  I will have a few posts as I feel called to write them as well as each month’s themed post but otherwise, you can look forward to my lovely contributors who I have lined up for February, March, and April. 


In the meantime, check out one of my previous blogs, Elving,  and I hope you have a wonderful Merry Season. 


If you haven’t followed me on Instagram yet, you should if you want more day to day updates and the first glimpses of our new one.

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Unhelpful End of Pregnancy Comments

The next time you see a pregnant lady, no matter how far along she is, please don’t tell her it will be over soon.  Not unless she asks you.

Because time slows when you are pregnant and babies come when they come and due dates are just estimates. 



As I write this I am almost 34 weeks pregnant with my fifth child.  So yes I look huge. And yes, my belly is already cantilevered over my feet which I haven’t seen while standing up in months.  I don’t expect anyone outside of my midwife and husband to keep track of how far along I am. So I don’t mind people asking. What I mind is when they don’t believe me that I am ONLY 3x weeks along.  As though I would lie about this. I also don’t appreciate being told that the end of the pregnancy will fly and she will be here before I know it.

My last 3 pregnancies have ended after their “due date”.  My third daughter coming a full 12 days after her due date and my 4th about 5 days.  So I am not expecting to have her by January 23rd. Which is still over a month away.  And as I get bigger and currently am dealing with the lovely cold my children gave me, telling me she will be here before I know it isn’t helpful.  It actually makes me think of violence. And this isn’t coming from women who have never had children. I am pretty sure I never say this to pregnant women because I know how unhelpful it is.  Especially if you have a history of late children.

There is a 5 week window for safe delivery, which is more than a month. 5 weeks of knowing that labor can start at any time but at the same time you have to live your life (especially if you have other children to look after in your life).  I still need things to keep me occupied, craft projects, audiobooks and books in general. I still have to get through each day until she comes. I am still the parent at home most of the time. And while I don’t want to travel too far from home once I am in that window (because I have had two very fast labors including the last one being under 2 hours) I will still have to get out of the house from time to time and see friends.  

But while I will breathe a sigh of relief when I hit the safe zone I know that it could still be many weeks before I get to greet this little one earth side.  I don’t want her to come before she is ready. I want her to have good lungs, be a good size and be ready to join us. Healthy, that is always what I am working toward with my small ones.

So the next time you see a pregnant lady, no matter how far along she is, please don’t tell her it will be over soon.  Not unless she asks you too. Because time slows when you are pregnant and babies come when they come. And due dates are just estimates.  We are all individuals and we are growing individuals and they come at their own times.


Read more of my parenting rants in my Mommy Rebellion Book; Brutal Honesty About Motherhood and Other Sh*it We Pretend to Love

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Preparing for the Fourth Trimester

You have heard about the concept of the fourth trimester, right?  The time from your little one’s birthday until they are 3 months old.  

What would you put on your wish list if you were preparing for your fourth trimester?  What haven’t I thought of? What do you wish you had? 


You have heard about the concept of the fourth trimester, right?  The time from your little one’s birthday until they are 3 months old.  It is such a vulnerable, emotional, crazy time.  


My memories are usually of milk leaking everywhere, baby bodily fluids everywhere, feeling like I would never stop bleeding, cozy snuggles, isolation, helping the rest of my family connect with this new soul.  And constant nursing. And often the boredom that entails. And wondering when I will get to sleep again.


I rely on photos that are taken during that fourth trimester to really remember what life is like then, it tends to just become a wash for me.  Much like I forget most of the discomfort of being pregnant until I am pregnant again and then the memories come flooding back with each new sensation.


But this time the fourth trimester falls in the middle of winter here in Maine.  When we tend to be full of cabin fever and unsettled emotions anyway. Last year was exceptionally hard because we got snow early and often so by the time February rolled around it felt like it should be April and we still had a lot of Winter left. So I am really thinking about what my and my family’s mental health is going to be like.  


Here are some things I am doing to prepare for my Winter 4th trimester:


  • Setting up a schedule and then inviting non-local friends to sign up for virtual coffee date calls on Zoom starting in January (even though she is not due until the 23rd) so I can talk to an adult even if it’s remotely.

  • Asking local friends to be willing to pick me and the baby up to go drive to a coffee shop and just get out of the house.

  • Making sure my hubby has all the supplies he needs to dry out, grind up, and put my placenta in pills, I know some people find this gross but we have done it before and it makes a huge difference in my postpartum period and helps keep my hormones from going too crazy.

  • I already have postpartum vitamins.

  • I am going to put up a shelf to look at while I am hanging out in bed for that first week and I am asking each of my daughters to add something pretty to it.

  • I am filling my library with audiobooks which I am hoping will help with the nursing boredom.

  • I am planning on listening to each of my kids read to me while cozening up with the baby.

  • I love the idea of a 4th trimester Advent Calendar and have asked some friends for some new cozy wool socks and good chocolate instead of bottles and cute outfits

  • I am going to make sure I have several boxes of mother’s milk tea and other favorite teas in the house as my girls are great at making me cups of tea in my silicone to-go cup.

  • I will be cleaning up our room so it doesn’t feel cluttered and hopefully as peaceful as possible, I am working on it a little each day to keep from feeling overwhelmed.

  • I am thinking about asking Hubby to put some shelves above the hope chest where we plan to change the little one (when not just doing it on the bed, because let’s face it we all get lazy) so we can keep spare clothes, diapers, etc up above and in vertical space.

  • I will accept all offers of people to take my older kids anywhere and get them out of the house or come play with them.

  • My mother will be here both before and after birth so she can help make sure the girls keep up on their chores and have an adult dedicated to them.

  • I want to ask some dad friends to check in with Hubby periodically and see how he is doing, and possibly take him away from some brewery tours or something so he gets some adult time outside of work as well.

  • Christmas cards are also going to be baby announcements/Valentine cards this year so I will have those addressed and an easy way to her details once she is here.


I am sure there are some things I am missing.  I am sure there are some things I don’t realize I need that I will.  

I am not too worried about meals and food as we have four capable people in the house who can cook and my mom is coming as well.  We have most of a pig in the freezer as well as chickens and we will have at least part of a turkey. Lots of squash and root veggies as well so that should all be good.  My 13 and 11 year olds are really good at taking directions on how to cook so even if I can’t get out of a chair and go to the kitchen, meals can still happen and get done.  I am sure some of my friends will bring us meals as well.

What would you put on your wish list if you were preparing for your fourth trimester?  What haven’t I thought of? What do you wish you had? Let me know as I still have time to add to mine 🙂   

PS. Stay up to date on all things new baby by joining our Mommy Rebellion Newsletter HERE.  

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.