What rules do you break/bend in the summer? 

Does your life have a different flow in the different seasons? 

Or do you just stay constantly busy?

I truly believe that schedules have to be more flexible in the summer.  At least if you don’t live near the equator and you get some daylight shift throughout the year.

I totally broke a rule yesterday.  The kids had been begging me to take them to our local spring fed pond for some swimming and cooling down from all the heat.  And I was going to do it, until I came downstairs and saw the absolute mess. That no one had done anything about cleaning up.  And then I was like, no we can’t go to the pond if this is how you treat the house. It’s just not a possibility.

So my kids were completely pissed off and stomped around while actually doing their chores.  I complained on social media while counting down the days until their father gets back so he could be the  “Mean One” to go back to Mr. Grinch

I folded laundry so that I could say I was contributing and the littles and I picked out different songs to play.  My eldest started water for pasta while washing and drying each dish.

After dinner I broke my rule and said let’s go for a fast trip to the pond.  The girls put all the animals to bed and we drove the 7 minutes to the pond. We were there only about 15 minutes, because the water was starting to get really cold, I had goosebumps on my arms and legs, but it was really nice to cool down and they got a chance to burn off some of their energy and anger.  We came home, and I returned a phone call and they watched one show and then it was off to bed. With new audio books and hopefully a slightly better mood.  


This would be harder to do if we had someplace we had to be the next day.  Which does happen even in summer. Last week I had three days in a row where I had to get up at like 5:30 and it just about killed me by the time we got to the third day.  


Other rules I break during summer:

  • Making hot meals, that often flies out the window.  I would much rather say, here have some veggies and make do than actually turn the oven or stove on.  

  • Reading practice, it has just been too hot to sit there and listen to someone struggle over their reading, not a popular one, I am sure but OMG I am only one person this summer

  • Getting up early, yep don’t care for that one this summer either, and I’m letting the almost 13 year old sleep as long as she wants in the mornings

  • Regular activities, it is really nice to not have to be schelping people to classes, programs, etc.

  • Back to back play dates, we often break these up, but as the only parent this summer I will take all the help I can get.


It is not all bad.  We have been listening to some shared audio books on drives, including some nonfiction ones.  It is nice to know I am staying home all day except maybe a trip to the pond and not having to put a bra on.  Or even really get that dressed. It was hilarious watching my older two getting into a pillow fight yesterday while their dad giggled from India since we were on a video chat.

What rules do you break/bend in the summer?  Does your life have a different flow in the different seasons?  Or do you just stay constantly busy?

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.