Seasons of Change and Transitions

Réa Wright, founder of Mood Indigo Soaps joins us today to talk about change and transitions!  So take a deep breath and read her tips as we race into Winter and the rapidly approaching holiday season.

August is always a hard month for me and it wasn’t until recently that I put together the pieces of the puzzle.

August brought us the start of school, the last vestiges of summer fun and a change in our carefree summer routines. Some of us look forward to the routine and structure of school and activities and a modicum of space and time to reconnect with ourselves. Change is never easy and transitions tend to touch the emotion around past experiences, good and unpleasant that may have impacted us in different ways.

Some transitions are harder than others, as with death, divorce and trauma, but all life changes, happy or sad, create some level of upheaval, excitement, sadness, grief or joy. And what we do with these emotions and the many and varied ways in which we cope, matter more than ever. So take a deep breath and think about this notion as we race into fall and the rapidly approaching holiday season.

Coming back to August though…… August was the month I left my home in India and travelled to US to study at an American university many moons ago. And interestingly I also gave birth to my first born in August almost two decades ago, and discovered very recently that her birth date coincided with the very first day I stepped foot onto American soil 33 years ago.  

I’m not sure why it’s taken me this long to figure that out but something clicked today, and I went back to my old passport to check the immigration stamp, and sure enough, there it was, a bold pink stamp on the second page of my passport, August 10, 1986. Coincidence??

That stamp signified a radical life change for me, and one that has taken decades to sort through. Its impact has been deep, lasting and has affected my identity, sense of belonging and at my very core, my roots.  It continues to affect decisions I make on a daily basis, though its effect has softened through the many years of soul searching and healing.

No doubt each and every one of us faces multiple transitions in life from the moment we are birthed into this world, until we transition out. Life brings us these changes big and small, every step of the way, and the manner in which we respond to them affects our ability to survive, thrive and succeed.

I know I tend to shut down, get irritable, quick to anger, and get a little clogged up when in the midst of these, and of course, I tend to procrastinate a whole lot. Some years, I don’t even really have any big change or transition facing me, and yet, these old emotions, patterns and experiences are so imbedded in my psyche, my emotional brain and in my body that I still experience a grief and sadness that I don’t often understand while in its midst.

August is that month for me, every single year!!

And how interesting that the very month I chose (unconsciously thought it may have been) to launch my long awaited, integrated website for my varied businesses, was none other than August! Are you sensing a theme here?

I can tell you that bringing a long held vision into reality is both exciting and terrifying and while I’ve worked hard to bring it to fruition, I worked equally hard at delaying the inevitable for as long as possible! I’m a little scared, a little worried that it will be a major flop, and perhaps equally worried that it will be a big success.

Normal, natural emotions I know, but sometimes hard to identify and articulate.   Big life changes can often strip us of a sense of the familiar and of what keeps us in emotional equilibrium and control of our lives. It can leave us feeling raw, vulnerable and sometimes confused. Making sense of these emotions and all the practicalities of the change can be difficult without support, guidance and context.

As I grapple with the smaller transition of  Mood Indigo Living from the kernel of an idea to her birthing, the fact that my youngest child is now a senior in high school and will be flying the coop soon is looming large and I find myself trying not to think about it. This will be my last Halloween with my son and every holiday that approaches will feel different. I will be an empty nester soon! There, I said it!! I think I was invited to write about the season of change as it applies to the holidays but that may need to wait until we explore this notion of patterns of change and its influence on us. I’d really love to hear about YOUR life transitions big and small. Whether your simply starting a new job, moving to a new city, ending relationships, starting new ones or dealing with the loss of someone near and dear to you, or dealing with some very real trauma, I’d love to hear from you.
  •  What has it been like for you?
  • How are you coping?
  • Are you even aware of what a big impact this life transition has had on you?
  • How has it affected you?
  • In what aspect of your life have you experienced some level of stress or anxiety as a result of this transition?
  • How has change affected your holidays and your kids?
I really want to keep talking about this, so please reach out and email me or join our MIL Community and share. I look forward to hearing from you soon!

Réa Wright, LPC, is a psychotherapist, personal coach, mother, and founder of Mood Indigo Soaps, an all natural, eco-friendly skin and body-care micro-business that began in her kitchen in 2005.

 Réa has been described as a “Soul Healer, Empowerment Coach,” and “Soap Witch” and brings a tremendous depth, creativity, and momentum to her work that is both unique, and transformational. She believes that we are on the cusp of a healing change in the world, led by everyday women, as we face our deepest fears and reclaim our innate feminine wisdom and power.

As a global citizen and psychotherapist (for over 25 years) Réa brings a unique perspective to the struggles women face around identity, belonging, displacement, potential, and a sense of Self.  She masterfully supports women to tap into their creativity, their brilliance, and the resources to create the lives they truly desire.

She is also a Soap-Nut, who loves staying up into the wee hours of the morning stirring a cauldron of hot soap, while blasting bad eighties pop. Réa says, “Making soap allows me to connect with my creativity and provides a wonderful outlet for my limited artistic abilities! It gives me the opportunity to engage with an incredible community of people who support my vision of healing from the inside, out! ” 

Réa offers powerful groups and Retreat programs, both online and in-person. As of 2019, she has begun offering stand alone Retreats in addition to those she offers via her group programs, and is in the process of a developing a small international retreat to India in 2021. 

Joyful, Vibrant, Healthy and Conscious Living from the inside out, is a theme that anchors all Réa’s work. 

Connect with her by checking out her website – – and on Facebook and Instagram