We are still recovering from getting hit with a fever/cold thing late last week.  It’s a little better here than when I wrote this, but not much.


Waking up sick. When the whole house wakes up sick, it really does feel like everyone should just go back to bed.

Almost like if we were on an airplane and someone else came and brought everyone warm drinks from time to time. And crackers, crackers are usually good when you are sick.

And I am thinking an international plane so everyone has their own TV screen to listen to music or play games or watch TV from a curated selection of movies and TV shows so the kids can’t just watch anything, but if they want to watch Frozen over and over again they can. And I can be in my own bed watching what I want watch and getting hot drinks delivered regularly.

And someone else is in charge of cooking the meals, doing the laundry and cleaning the bathroom.

Yep, that would be perfect.

Of course none of that happens. If everyone in the house is sick than you know there is a case of the man-flu going on. My hubby is often good at tag teaming if he is not really sick, but if he’s really sick, forget it, he is down for the count.

I don’t know what is worse, fevers and aching bodies.

Or the stomach flu with vomiting and diarrhea

I always think whichever is not going on is the worst.

But then I change my mind the next time we get something.

I think head colds are hard because you are not 100% all there, but you totally feel like you should be, and you make yourself go to work, and take your kids all the places and everything but really all you want to do is curl up on the couch and veg or in my case it’s usually take a nap.

Naps are wonderful. If I can’t sleep they are a great excuse to get caught up on my reading. Which I never get caught up on because I love to read, but anyway. I could go on and on about the type of book you need to read when you are sick because they are able to actually take you out of your misery, but I won’t digress that far.

None of my kids are at the point where they will read when they are sick. So that just leaves other forms of entertainment. Thank the Gods that audiobooks were invented and live in lovely clouds named Audible. That means they can listen to the Penderwicks, Land of Stories, All Of A Kind Family ad infinitum and I don’t have to read it out to them. I just need to be in another room or they need headphones.


Today they all want to take baths, but my eldest at 11 does not want to take a bath with anyone else. I totally understand, I feel that way too, and try to be graceful when they all have to pile in anyway. But when I am sick.

Forget about it.

No extra touching please.

Actually how about no touching at all?

Because I know where you hands have been and I really don’t need anyone else’s snot to deal with. Mine is annoying enough. Trust me.

I am just so glad I am past the point of a snotty baby who needs to nurse. Because there is something about snot on my breasts that grosses me out on a level that no amount of vomit and poop has to this point.

I say that while knocking on wood, because you know, I am not about to tempt Fate and her mistresses.

But seriously I am not a human size handkerchief or napkin. You can keep your snot to yourself.

I have plenty of my own over here.

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.