Real life of a Mompreneur, all I’m asking for is that my kids can do without me for three hours a day four days a week.

Yesterday I had a conference call with my Virtual Assistant, because not as much would get done around here for the Mommy Rebellion if I did not have a Virtual Assistant.

Luckily Lisa is also a mom, to a 7-year-old son, so she gets it. Her son goes to school so she is able to schedule our calls while he is busy. Me, however, I have kids with me 24/7 most days and my youngest (at not quite 5) has really been pushing the boundaries lately.

As you can see from the photo above, she was literally pushing buttons yesterday, or rather sticking her feet in my face during the end of our conference call.

One the one hand it was great that Lisa was able to snap a photo for me, because it will make for great marketing materials for the Mommy Rebellion (just about every mom can relate to that photo). But on the other hand gosh darn it why can’t she stay out of my room for 30 minutes?

I am going to have to start leaving the house to get my work done. I have tried locking the door and that has lead to her practically breaking it down. And while my husband is okay if she does break the door down and is okay with me keeping it locked, it does get very distracting both for me and the other people on the video call.

I swear it was easier when she was 2. She got to watch tv with her big sisters and I made sure she had a snack and she was all set to go while I was on a call. Nowadays forget it!

So the ultimate solution is for me to just leave. My eldest is old enough to babysit. She’s not going to like it and will get annoyed if it becomes a regular thing. But I am guessing I am only going to have to do it a time or two before my youngest gets the picture and stops being such a pain. Of course, moving to a new town and a more rural one at that I am actually not sure where I can go and have wifi access, which is usually what I need while working. I mean I can do a little, like writing this without wifi access, but I can not do things for my clients without it.

I don’t want to do it. I don’t want to have that big confrontation and just leave. But this interrupting, not letting me get my work done, and all over disrespect of my work time can’t stand either. It’s not fair to me, it’s not fair to my clients and it is not fair to her either, because she needs to learn limits.

Plus we are only talking about 3 hours a day. She can manage to not really need me much for 3 hours a day. She has three other sisters to interact with. Right now she has a grandmother and uncle (which is why I didn’t just leave this morning) to hang out with as well. I spend the rest of the day with her.

I drive her places. We play games, I make sure she has food, I read to her and her sisters. I really think that her needs are being met and that at almost 5 she can do without me for three hours a day four days a week. That’s all I’m asking for.

And I would get so much more done! Not having the constant interruptions would mean that I would get a lot more done at any given time than I do right now because I could just focus and get it done, rather than being torn away and then having to come back and remember where I am and refocus, etc.

You know what I mean right?

Plus while it was funny this time, I really don’t want to conduct meetings with feet in my face. It’s not like they are super cute and yummy newborn feet. These are sweaty, dirty, stinky big girl feet that do not need to be in my face. Ever. Especially not when I am conducting a meeting and trying to get work done.

I don’t want to have that in my vocabulary anymore. I don’t want to say I am trying to get work done. I want to say I am working. I am getting work done. Work is happening. I am pursuing my dreams and supporting my clients and growing Mommy Rebellion. I am writing. I am creating.

I am tired of being held hostage by the interrupting chickens. They created locks on the doors for reasons. I am going to get a treadmill desk in the next year. This is happening. I need to walk and do my work with minimal interruptions, especially during meetings.

She will survive. I will actually want to spend MORE time with her because she won’t have been interrupting me all morning and I will have actually gotten some work DONE instead of having it bleed into time I would normally be spending with her because she used up my work time.

Yep it could all be so much easier.

I better find out where those wifi spots are, eh?

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.