April rains will become May flowers.

The seasons come and the seasons go and once again we are back around to my least favorite of them all, Mud season.

How is spring treating you?

The seasons come and the seasons go and once again we are back around to my least favorite of them all, Mud season. Only this year it has been interesting with snow arriving in the middle of it, then a week or two without mud before it returns again.

We also have a pig this time around who’s sty is in a constant state of mud this spring up to her forelocks but she doesn’t seem to mind.

We are building a big duck/goose/hen house from scratch which is going to be 8 by 12 and we are doing it very near the current duck yard so the ground down there is squishy with duck droppings and mud.

Also ducks like to dig holes in the ground with their beaks to look for additional bugs and worms, so that can make for an interesting ground underfoot as well.

I do not have any toddlers this year. My youngest is 5 ½ and so far hasn’t been too into building mud puddles, thank the gods! This year they have been far happier to ride bikes and jump on the recently raised swing, which has been nice.

But we have had baby girl ducklings in your bathroom along with some meat birds and hens since the basement is still too cold to move baby birds down there. I can’t wait until the big house is built and they can all move down there. Unfortunately we have been getting so much rain lately that it is hard to get any building done when my hubby is home. The weekends have been a wash out.

At least with the mud the mosquitoes and black flies haven’t come out yet. However we have already seen ticks this year. Sigh.

I can see the glimmers of summer. We are in the second half of April and I can see the Girl Scout year winding down, and I am ready for it. I am ready to move into summer days and weekly forays to the beach and later daily visits to the lake. I am ready to be reading and knitting outside and to have the kids go outside more so I can actually remember what it is like to hear myself think.

April rains will become May flowers and then Maine will tease us with summer days and then cold spring ones again in June before deciding that maybe we can have 6 weeks of summer between July and the 1st of September. A lot of things are still up in the air about this summer, and currently out of my control.

Except for my book launch which is coming on the longest (and shortest) day of the year June 21st. Are you ready? I am still learning so much about book formatting and all the small pieces I still need to do, but my launch page should be ready in about a month. And it is all super exciting.

In the meantime you can join my launch mailing list HERE.

How is spring treating you? How are you feeling about mud season?

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.