How does the weather affect your kids? Do you like Misty Mornings?

I like the misty mornings.

The way the fog is starting to cling in the fields behind our property. The way it is darker in the mornings so my kids are less interested in waking up early.

I like how puffy our long haired cat is getting out in the humidity that clings to everything. I like how bouncy my only really curly haired child gets in this weather.

I don’t care for the boob sweat. For feeling like sweat just clings to me and doesn’t go away. I don’t care for the fact that I still haven’t set up a light in my office yet, I really do need to get on that soon.

I prefer the mist and fog to burn off by 10 am so my kids will have plenty of time to go outside and play. That it isn’t always a rainy day. We need rain so having it sometimes be a rainy day is good, but a constant string of days soon gets tiring on my ears and my kids ability to speak nicely to each other.

It is still pretty warm, just misty and the air is heavy rather than it being cold and miserable or just plain hot. Perfect cup of tea and a good book or an audiobook and something to knit or sew weather. Not good hanging the clothes outside weather. Not that we have hung a clothes line yet anyway. Soon we will get there soon, or do it next spring one or the other.

This should be a quiet week, there are are only two events outside the house for library programs. We may go camping with friends overnight Saturday providing we can find someone willing to put our ducks to bed and let them out again in the morning. If the weather gets better I might set up some play dates. Or I might not. Having a quiet week at home can feel good too.

I am still working on unpacking and organizing, just not at the feverish pace of before. And in chunks rather than trying to get a whole room done in a day. Now it’s about maintaining and reminding the kids that they still have to sweep and put away dishes and clothes and all that fun stuff. That bathrooms still need to be cleaned regularly and maybe I will get one of them to run the vacuum later today. It certainly needs it.

I haven’t gotten all the laundry picked up and put away in the adult bedroom yet. Why is it that, that always seems to be the last place to get cleaned up? Part of the issue is that my hubby got gifted some clothes a while back and now he has more than he currently needs right now, but will need later as things wear out. But figuring out what to do with them in the meantime can be difficult. However I got a lot of it started and picked up yesterday.

I am going easier on myself this week. Not pushing so hard. Taking breaks and time to sit with cats, read my book or play games on my tablet while listening to an audio book. I need to start moving the plants out of the sun room and into other parts of the house so they can do their job of cleaning the air.

I need to find my sewing machine cord. I need to plug the printer in so I can print the update to my sweater I am knitting instructions. I need to be able to occasionally watch a video without all my kids showing up and talking over the instructor.

I need to go on a date with my hubby. I think he is organizing it this time around. Something about seeing a friend of his in a musical. Not his usual cup of tea but if he is offering to take me to a live musical I am there in a dress and a grin. We don’t have enough time or money to go to all the theater we have the ability to take part in here in Maine. It’s just not possible.

I need a few sleep in days, a few days to just be. Not sure when I am going to get those as right now I need to write and get some of my work done before my kids wake up and have all their needs. One is already up and lying on my office floor. It is officially only ten minutes after 7. Which I know for some families is late and for others, like mine, it is early.

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.