Michelle and I talk about how virtual learning is going for her 16 yr old son in Harlem, NYC both this spring and now this fall. We also talk about the unexpected joys 2020 has brought.

Michelle Dionne Thompson, Ph.D., JD is the Founder and CEO of Michelle Dionne Thompson Coaching and Consulting, a primarily coaching business that works with women in law and academia to set and meet aligned goals sanely in the midst of insane industries.

A recovering lawyer and a historian, she also teaches college and is writing her first book, Jamaica’s Accompong Maroons (1838 – 1905): Retooled Resistance for Continued Existence.

Follow Michelle Here:

http://michelledionnethompson.com https://www.facebook.com/MichelleDionneThompsonLifeCoach https://www.instagram.com/mdionnethompson