Why Won’t My Kids Just Go Away?

Sometimes I just want a little peace and quiet…

Some days I wish my kids would just go away. Don’t get me wrong I love them and can’t imagine life without them, but honestly some days I wish they would just go away.

I suppose if I sent them to school I might not feel that way, but then the pressure of work would take it’s place, because if your kids are all school age there is no reason for you to not be working outside the home right?

I don’t think it’s because I run a business and do occasionally need to think straight without my interrupting chickens, well interrupting. I remember wishing they would go away and I could get a break sometimes even when I was the one working outside the home, or was the stay at home parent without a business.

Some days they are just too much. They talk too much, demand too much, need to be corrected for abhorrent behavior too much. I can understand why so many of us lean on technology to babysit them because we just want a few minutes of peace.

For me it gets worse when I am tired or sick. My tolerance for the touching and the need to follow the long-winded imaginary story just goes out the window. And it’s difficult. It’ snot their fault that I feel this way, just as it’s really not mine. And my poor hubby gets to take over more of the cooking duties etc because by the time we reach the end of the day, I am done, and just want to curl up into a ball and be left alone, which doesn’t necessarily get his needs met either.

It is not a lot of fun. I do my best not to have too many of these days. Usually one or two a moon cycle I can plan for and just work around. But this week I think I have it a wall. I think it’s partially because we have had a crazy spring, with looking at houses, then buying one and all the ups and downs that brought, and then moving in and wanting to unpack for a party and now I just want to absorb what little summer seems to be left. I think maybe I burned the candle at both ends for a while and now my body is just demanding rest.

I was grateful that my eldest didn’t want to do the library program today because she feels like she is coming down with a cold and didn’t want to spread it to anyone else. Not only was that good forethought for an almost 12 year old but it gave me the excuse to get work done this morning so that I can then just sit and read this afternoon. And I have a good excuse for that. I have about 300 pages of a book to read between now and Thursday morning and it’s already a Tuesday.

Yesterday was a hard day even though I ended up getting a nap. I was hoping today would be better, but last night I had lots of disturbing dreams and got woken up several times by the black cat trying to convince the gray cat to play with her and the gray cat decided to have none of it and just hissed up a storm. Not exactly how I was planning on waking up this morning.

However I do have a late in the day beach date scheduled for tomorrow and the other mom doesn’t care if one of my kids might have a cold. My girls have been missing beach time so hopefully this will help and it should be a shady spot so that should help as well. I am thinking about not sharing it until tomorrow so I don’t get the infinite when do we get to leave questions.

I am just so tired. I just want to curl up on our new to us couch or easy chair and be left alone for a day. I think that would help me feel so much better. Maybe not. But it is all I am itching for. This week is less busy which is good but it also means everything can just catch up with me. And that doesn’t get the laundry or the dishes done.

And it’s not like the girls do it much without me constantly reminding them to do it. Which takes energy in and of itself. But I feel like if I don’t and I just do it all myself they are not learning valuable lessons and I am just going to get really resentful.

That’s my idea anyway. And I’m sticking to it.

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Notes From the Other Side: Life with Adult Kids

Today Nikki Starcat Shields joins us from her “empty nest” to report how it feels so far.

This year I’ve entered a new phase of parenting, often known as the “empty nest.” I’m here to report back on how it feels so far.

Truthfully, it’s a mixed bag. I’m incredibly proud of these two wonderful beings who have graced our lives – and more than a bit heartbroken that they no longer need me in the same ways they once did.

Teacher and author Elizabeth Stone wrote, “making the decision to have a child – it is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.” For me, this statement has become even more relevant since my two kids have become adults and moved out on their own.

In my daughter’s case, she’s now living more than 2,000 miles away from home. That’s so far!

My son lives 30 minutes away, and we see him at least weekly – but it’s still very different.

I miss them both like crazy.

At the same time, I cherish my newfound freedom, an abundance of time, and even the financial relief of no longer supporting them. My home stays cleaner, too. Go figure!

When you’re in the thick of parenting young kids, you often feel like a break, some time away from their intense needs would be delightful. You might fantasize about taking a solo vacation, a romantic getaway with your partner, or even a trip to a work-related conference. You may even get the opportunity to take these sacred reset breaks at times.

You might not imagine ever missing your kids once you don’t see them every day.

Or maybe you can’t picture not being with them all the time, and feel like you won’t know what on Earth to do with yourself once they move out.

Neither of these tells the whole story.

My tentative foray into being an empty nester, or as a friend calls it, a “free bird,” has shown me that, like most things in life, there are ups and downs.

I love visiting with my adult kids, whether in person or online, and catching up on their daily lives. I enjoy being more in charge of my own time than I’ve been for many years.

I miss their impromptu hugs and even the once-dreaded question, “what’s for dinner, Mom?”

I’m thankful that they do still need me, whether for advice on “adulting,” a pep talk, or an extra hug or two. I was profoundly moved when my daughter broke down into tears at the end of her summer visit here. She loves her new life out west but was still finding it hard to leave after two fun-filled weeks with us at her childhood home.

Just in case you haven’t figured it out yet, you’ll always be a parent, even when the active phase of caring for their daily needs is finished. Your heart will always be with them, out there exploring the world with these blessings you helped to create.

Nikki Starcat Shields is Mom to two grown unschoolers, a published author, a book midwife, and a licensed priestess. She blogs at Starcat’s Corner. Do you have a book idea that’s yearning to be shared with the world? Check out Starcat’s free “Get That Book Out of Your Head” virtual week.

Misty Mornings

How does the weather affect your kids? Do you like Misty Mornings?

I like the misty mornings.

The way the fog is starting to cling in the fields behind our property. The way it is darker in the mornings so my kids are less interested in waking up early.

I like how puffy our long haired cat is getting out in the humidity that clings to everything. I like how bouncy my only really curly haired child gets in this weather.

I don’t care for the boob sweat. For feeling like sweat just clings to me and doesn’t go away. I don’t care for the fact that I still haven’t set up a light in my office yet, I really do need to get on that soon.

I prefer the mist and fog to burn off by 10 am so my kids will have plenty of time to go outside and play. That it isn’t always a rainy day. We need rain so having it sometimes be a rainy day is good, but a constant string of days soon gets tiring on my ears and my kids ability to speak nicely to each other.

It is still pretty warm, just misty and the air is heavy rather than it being cold and miserable or just plain hot. Perfect cup of tea and a good book or an audiobook and something to knit or sew weather. Not good hanging the clothes outside weather. Not that we have hung a clothes line yet anyway. Soon we will get there soon, or do it next spring one or the other.

This should be a quiet week, there are are only two events outside the house for library programs. We may go camping with friends overnight Saturday providing we can find someone willing to put our ducks to bed and let them out again in the morning. If the weather gets better I might set up some play dates. Or I might not. Having a quiet week at home can feel good too.

I am still working on unpacking and organizing, just not at the feverish pace of before. And in chunks rather than trying to get a whole room done in a day. Now it’s about maintaining and reminding the kids that they still have to sweep and put away dishes and clothes and all that fun stuff. That bathrooms still need to be cleaned regularly and maybe I will get one of them to run the vacuum later today. It certainly needs it.

I haven’t gotten all the laundry picked up and put away in the adult bedroom yet. Why is it that, that always seems to be the last place to get cleaned up? Part of the issue is that my hubby got gifted some clothes a while back and now he has more than he currently needs right now, but will need later as things wear out. But figuring out what to do with them in the meantime can be difficult. However I got a lot of it started and picked up yesterday.

I am going easier on myself this week. Not pushing so hard. Taking breaks and time to sit with cats, read my book or play games on my tablet while listening to an audio book. I need to start moving the plants out of the sun room and into other parts of the house so they can do their job of cleaning the air.

I need to find my sewing machine cord. I need to plug the printer in so I can print the update to my sweater I am knitting instructions. I need to be able to occasionally watch a video without all my kids showing up and talking over the instructor.

I need to go on a date with my hubby. I think he is organizing it this time around. Something about seeing a friend of his in a musical. Not his usual cup of tea but if he is offering to take me to a live musical I am there in a dress and a grin. We don’t have enough time or money to go to all the theater we have the ability to take part in here in Maine. It’s just not possible.

I need a few sleep in days, a few days to just be. Not sure when I am going to get those as right now I need to write and get some of my work done before my kids wake up and have all their needs. One is already up and lying on my office floor. It is officially only ten minutes after 7. Which I know for some families is late and for others, like mine, it is early.

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

Why Can’t the Kids Clean Up?

Is it just an American thing? Or is there some secret I don’t know about to get kids to be well, neat?

Why don’t kids help clean up? Is this just an American thing? Because I know that my friend who son is half German that she has shown pictures of him neatly lining everything up, even his shoes under his bed. So some kids must want to live in a clean house where they put their toys away right?

Not any of my kids though. Not if they are left to their own devices. I know I have watched, I have purposely not cleaned up after them or put away all their detritus and it has just stayed there for as long as I can stand it, weeks, months or until they have completely forgotten that the thing even existed.

My eldest is currently sharing a room with my youngest and there is about a 7 ½ years age difference. For personality and need to snuggle at night, they are perfectly matched, but of course their skills at being able to put things away are not at all matched.

We have just moved. We are having an open house in a couple of days. So every afternoon I have been after I am done working and shuttling kids to their activities I have been organizing and cleaning up one room. Putting things away, dusting, making sure it looks like a room we would like our friends to visit. The artwork and photographs haven’t gotten hung yet (mainly because I haven’t found our hangers) but otherwise, it is all good. All that is left is the kitchen at this point and the outside and I have a friend coming to help me with the kitchen tonight.

My kids are done with me and the cleaning/unpacking/organizing though. They complain bitterly that I am doing it and not doing whatever it is they want me to do. They complain when I ask them to take more things upstairs, or down to the basement or get me the broom etc.

They do however love the room when it’s finished and talk about how pretty it is and how much better it looks. They then proceed to play in said room and not pick up after themselves.

And I wouldn’t mind if they took the reminders to clean up well. I get it, it’s not a lot of fun to put your stuff away. It is even less fun when you have to put someone else’s stuff away! Believe me!

Some days I am just too tired. Like I literally have nothing left, no energy to do any sewing or knitting, or mending, absolutely nothing left and it’s hard to pick up after my own self let alone them. But most of the time I do pick up after me.

I wish I had a magic wand that would help convince them to pick up and put their stuff away. To put all the ingredients back in the fridge when they are done constructing their sandwich. To put all there dishes in the sink or dishwasher and put the serving dishes away too.

Some of my daughters have gotten really good at walking all the way downstairs at night to put their laundry down the shoot into the basement. Other of my girls leave their laundry in the upstairs bathroom for days…

Once we get caught up on the laundry backlog they are going to get to start washing their own laundry, because maybe that will stop them from constantly losing their laundry in the process as well. And maybe it will feel more fair all the way around.

But we have to get caught up on that laundry monster and with the party coming, it is going to get to wait until after the party before I have the big push to clean all the clothes and get them sorted and put away. We will just have to wait and see.

Are you one of those lucky moms whose kids naturally pick up after themselves? If you are can you share your secret recipe or magic wand? Is there a special vitamin I need to feed them? Is there a possibility that someday they might clean up after themselves?

Or are they doomed to be gross roommates in the future? I know they say creative people tend to live in chaos, but I can never tell if that’s just because their brains got used to it or if they really are happier that way. I think I am happiest with a maid. We aren’t quite at the point where we want to pay for one yet. But maybe I should look into one. They at least don’t complain.

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

The Truth of New Motherhood

Do you remember those first few days after your baby was born? Do you remember how suddenly your world got smaller and larger all at the same time? Do you remember what it was like to wish you wouldn’t get peed/pooped/puked on again for at least a few hours to actually feel clean?

I’m a mom of four. Yep, four. More than double the U.S… statistical average of 1.67 children (maybe it’s changed, I’m a mom of four and too tired to even ask Siri). I moved beyond the ‘Oh isn’t that nice, you’re all set now you have a boy and a girl,’ to the ‘Your kids are so cute, but you must be exhausted,’ to the point where I’ve rendered them speechless, ‘Wow, four.’

Yep, wow. You’d think by now, I’d be an expert. Certainly, things are (sometimes) easier, knowing what to expect, what products work best for me, but life is messy and we’re always given a chance to learn. Best learned facts children 1-4: always bring two spare outfits and one for yourself, you don’t need a diaper bag that would stretch the carry-on limits of major airlines, hydrogen peroxide works great at getting fresh fluids out of clothing, natural nursing balms work better than diaper cream and don’t stink! This time is easier because I have a ten year old girl who likes to play at mothering, a seven year old boy who can read stories and (mostly) entertain himself and the four year old boy, who likes to help by fetching things for me. Really, the little Mommy’s helper stage is great (when they’re willing); they haven’t quite reached that awareness that ‘helping’ is work, and acceptable payment is still a hug, a smile, and a thank you, not money or toys or special treats.

Regardless of the help, and ‘wow, 4!’ it turns out I’m not an expert. I ‘know’ all these things, and if I could sleep enough I might remember them. Top of the list of things I should know is how to hold a conversation without adding in all this private information about me and my baby’s body fluids. But I don’t, because life is messy, and wow, I’m obsessively in love with my little boy. For instance, as a mom of four, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to me that boys sometimes go off like ill-timed sprinklers, that projectile puke nearly always happens when you’re late for an appointment, that neon orange nursing baby poop stains everything. Yet, as a mom of newborn number four, I’ve realized I’m once again suffering from New Mom-itus, or perhaps Newbornesia, or Baby-opoly. However you describe it, it’s the condition that mixes being tired (that advice of sleep when your baby sleeps sounds great, but see above note on being obsessed with the baby, and in my case having three others to love) with a mess of hormones while keeping a new life alive. The symptoms are being deeply focused on your baby to the point that you think everyone needs to know everything, and you are unable to find the on button for your brain’s censorship function. Because of this, you find yourself telling everyone about your most personal experiences regarding your body and your baby.

It’s verbal, and sometimes visual, diarrhea… about poop, or pee, or blood, or milk, or vomit; it won’t be contained, no matter how private a person you were before baby. I swore I’d never be one of those new moms we all know, ‘You should see how far he pees!,’ ‘She puked all over her car seat, it took me an hour to get her clean, there was curdled milk coming out her nose,’ ‘He pooped so much it soaked his onesie, his outfit, and his sheet, I gave up after a dozen wipies and gave him a tubby.’ Or better, with social media, the pictures! Being pro-breastfeeding, and a pro at it, nursing my littlest one now, does great things for my dresses… hello milk cleavage!, I’m always sharing pictures bragging how my babies are growing chunky and happy. Then there’s the pictures of ‘OMG, look how gross dried up week-old belly button stumps are.’

When random old ladies come up to comment ‘oooh, a little one,’ I just can’t help myself in replying, ‘yep, I grew this little life, only took three minutes to push him out, and he nurses like Cookie Monster at a Mrs. Fields, but wow, does he go through a lot of diapers, it’s like hunter’s orange, I’ll never eat kraft mac and cheese again.’

If it’s not about my baby, it’s about me, and I know my friends who have all had at least two babies understand, but there I was at my baby’s baptism party, lifting my t-shirt in the kitchen to show off my new slimming tank top with built-in lightly foam-lined wireless support bra. My stomach muscles had a bit of separation, (things they don’t warn you about, that and massive post-partum hair loss) and this little miracle tank does all the work of a belly band but look, it’s great for nursing too, I don’t even fall out when I bend over which for my milk-filled breasts is amazing, and it’s super comfy, and only $22 at Target.

Then there’s the how did everything go question, and really, why would people ask, because shhhbloooop, there comes another fifteen-minute explosion from me about all the gore and beauty of a new life coming out of my nether regions, highlighted with words like clot, gush, skid marks, poop, and worse.

But you know what moms? It’s okay. You did grow this new life, and life is messy, and you’re at the center of the best and messiest. I swore I would keep the details to myself this time, because four, Wow, but it’s okay to share, though I admit if you can, it’s better kept with friends and family not random grocery clerks who are still in high school (or maybe it will serve to support them once they become mothers, or maybe it will scare them into remaining chaste. As a mom of a pre-pubescent girl, I’m okay with that!), because moms need to be there for each other. It’s not easy, it’s not perfect, it’s okay to doubt and worry and wonder, and that’s why when a mom flings out random verbal poo about the mess of life, you can share your own mess to let her know she’s not alone. New moms, you’re right to be obsessed with maintaining this new helpless bundle of prolific fluid-producing love, so go on, let loose, complain about the mess that got so bad you needed to shower with your baby, or how you were so tired you gave up and threw out the outfit even though you’re normally a strict recycler, or how bad the rash is, or how many nursing pads you’ve gone through in a day. You deserve a pass on meeting social expectations, because life is messy and we all live it, and at least babies are cute (even when they puke on your face).

Rachel Vallance is a mother to four exuberant children and has dedicated herself to stay home with them, sharing her love of gardening, baking, and crafting. She holds a degree in social sciences and frequently travels with her family to explore the crazy wondrous variety of cultures, especially those found near tropical beaches.

She is the author of Sun Catcher, an apocalyptic tale of surrealism and optimism, and has recently released the second novel in the series, Sun Struck. Her novels are available on Amazon, under her pen name R.M. Vallance. Check them out HERE.


This week’s blog post is about how you choose to handle the no-good-very-bad-days that are bound to happen.

Some days you wake up and you might as well go back to bed. You just know it is going to be one of those Alexander-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-days kind of day. But you’re a grown up. You probably have a list of things that you need to do today, maybe an important meeting, maybe just a house that looks like a tornado walked through it, maybe you are providing childcare for someone else’s kid.

The no-good-very-bad-days don’t show up when you have space in your schedule. They don’t show up when you feel like everything in your world is going great. They don’t show up when you have nowhere you need to be, or no one you are responsible for.

No-good-very-bad-days show up when you are super busy. When you are so busy or there is so much that needs to be done, or you have had some very big changes in your life, that to add the shit frosting on top of the shit cake, here’s it is. A day that you just know isn’t going to be a good day.

Maybe you feel like you are starting to get sick. Maybe you are sick. Maybe your kids wake you up with them being sick. All over you. Or they are running fevers and put their hot bodies up against yours.

You’ve got two choices. You can get up and get this no-good-very-bad-day started, or you can try and get some extra sleep. Hit the snooze alarm a few times or just ignore it all together. I have done both, so absolutely no judgment here, regardless of your choice.

And throughout your no-good-very-bad-day you have choices. You can pretend that you have an assistant (or maybe you are lucky enough to actually have one) and cancel everything that is not super critical for you to do today.

You can call in sick. Play hokey. Decide to binge watch TV with your kids. (Secret from a summer of chicken pox, let each child pick one show and rotate and include yourself in the rotation so you can watch something that you have picked every now and then too.) At the very least you can prioritize what absolutely has to happen today and punt everything else.

Oh and give up on the meals. Pass them off to someone else, get someone else to cook, or decide that it’s going to be takeout tonight. Or cereal and milk or popcorn. Or if you absolutely can’t get out of cooking supper than make it breakfast. It’s usually super easy-going.

You can also decide to stack your day and try and get through those most important things first. Get that load of laundry started, get dinner in the crockpot, not stay in bed because your children are still asleep and get your work done early, or at least started on.

Try to laugh. On a no-good-very-bad-day, you might not want to wear your best clothes because you will be spilling stuff on it. Make sure your helmet is on and you’ve buckled your seat belt. Take some extra moments to breathe. Pass off as much as you can to someone else.

See if you can have a mommy play-date so someone else is helping watch your kids and you can compare your no-good-very-bad-day with another mom. Not in the competition sense, but in the we all have these happen from time to time sense. I have a friend who hangs out at the children section of her local library when as she puts it “needs adult supervision”. It can be helpful to just put your kids in a new safe environment which has extra adults who may be helping to keep an eye out on them.

It can also be helpful to just cancel everything and stay in bed. It’s not something we can always do, but it can help.

I often try and get the priorities done first so that I can later take a nap, an extended siesta or just curl up on the couch and read to my girls for a while on no-good-very-bad-days.

Oh and take your vitamins! They can’t hurt and will probably help. Go slow on the caffeine as getting super buzzed is not going to help and may contribute to the no-good-very-bad-day. And drink water. My go to solution for everything that ails you, go have a glass of water and then tell me how you feel. Of course, you may end up wearing it.

That’s okay. It’s only water. So it will be wet, and either cold or hot, but it shouldn’t destroy too much. I wouldn’t have any alcohol until you have reached the finish line of the day, see the above caffeine advice.

And maybe sit down and actually read about Alexander’s day, and see who had it worse. Your kids will probably enjoy listening to the classic. Hopefully, you didn’t have a dentist appointment, and maybe you really could move to Australia.

Of course my experience with Australian airports, I am not convinced you would actually have a better day there, but you never know. It might be better in Australia.

And tomorrow most certainly should be better, especially if you can go to bed early tonight. Because no-good-very-bad-days are exhausting.

Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.