Nothing Fits!!!
Nothing fits. From underwear and bras to everything else.
So I am over here in my uncomfortable clothes, waiting.

Does this happen to anyone else? Here I am, I still have months to go before this baby is born and if I could just wear pajamas all day or better yet nothing at all (unfortunately it is too cold for that 🙁 ) I would.
Nothing fits. From underwear and bras to everything else.
I have been lucky that some friends have passed me their maternity or just larger size clothes, so I have a basket to choose from. But because these are not my clothes that I picked out some of them are really not my style, or taste or are just super loud.
But I have to wear something (at least on the days when I am going out in public) so I try and pick through the pile and find something that covers me and doesn’t make me feel too much like I am wearing a sack.
You already know how I feel about waistbands and that is only getting worse as my waistband completely disappears and my skirts end up riding just under my bra strap.
By the end of the day (or let’s be honest a couple of hours in), I am so tired of having fabric touching me there. My small one is also in her super wiggly, kicky somedays it feels violent stage of life, so I am being tactically bugged by the outside and inside of my body.
I love that I can feel her wiggle and know that she’s fine, but incessant hiccups can get to be a bit much. I understand and want her to develop her lungs and diaphragm. I know that kicking and hitting me is helping her bones form and harden. I get all this. But sometimes that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t love to hand the whole baby bump over to my husband and let him carry her for a while. Especially as she starts to sit on my bladder and push tummy acids back up my esophagus. As I told hubby just the other night, he gets to go to work each day and forget about his pregnant wife at home and I have this constant wee creature poking me and waking me up in the morning.
But seriously this clothes issue is driving me nuts. It is so depressing to feel like nothing will be comfortable once I put it on. I think my favorite part of the day is when I can lie in bed and not worry if I have anything on at all.
Oh, and I was totally floored the other day when I put my expensive just under my knee-high bog boots on. They went on just fine. I thought I was never going to get them off though. Apparently my calves have changed size as well. Which sucks because I am assuming chances are high that we will have cold weather if not several inches of snow on the ground before this small one has left my body. And I really don’t want to wear another pair of snow boots.
I keep putting up clothing items that no longer fit in a box. I know that at some point I may get to wear them again. I say may because post pregnancy bodies are never the same as pre pregnancy ones, and each one changes you a little. Plus I’m currently on thyroid medication and that may or may not play into things on the other side.
So I am over here in my uncomfortable clothes, waiting. I have months and weeks still to go. I have holiday celebrations to get through including my 40th birthday. I have no idea what I am going to wear. We won’t even touch the laundry issue going on right now. Let’s just say preteen girls are not the most reliable and leave it at that.
Well, I am going to have to end this here and actually go find some clothes to wear today. I have places to go and people to see so it’s not avoidable, unfortunately. However most days I don’t get dressed before noon. So that’s a start, right?
Want more brutally honest stories about Motherhood? Check out my Mommy Rebellion book!

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