Cooking is Not the Only Way to Engage Your Child into the World of Cooking

Kim Calichio, owner of The Connected Chef, teaches us how to engage our kids in conversations about food and invites you to see ALL the learning opportunities that bloom from it!

Engaging in a two-way conversation around whole foods is the first step to establishing healthy and independent food choices for your child.

Cooking doesn’t have to be the only path to healthy eating though.

Beginning a conversation around food is the first small step any parent can make when wanting to establish or change the choices that their child (or family) is making around food.



Here are some great ways to BEGIN the food conversation in your family…



Take some time throughout the month to talk with your children about what real food is.

That’s it.

No matter the age of your child, these are conversation can and should happen regularly.

Name the ingredients you have!

Even if in just passing or when cooking, state the name of the ingredients you have around and are eating.

You can expand with the color, shape, and size or the various foods.

Comparing flavors is a great way to extend this conversation with older and younger children. We talk about salty, sweet, sour, bitter, umami in all of our classes!

Talk about where your food grows

Connect the things your child eats with our planet.

This is a vital step to your child understanding that their food choices are bigger than themselves. Connecting them to the source of their food, even if in conversation, will bring a greater respect for the product and mindfulness over time.

What regions do your ingredients grow?

Does it come from the sky? The soil? A tree or bush?

Discover what nutrients are in different ingredients

Google different ingredients and find the nutrients they contain & the benefits each different food has on your bodies.

Frame this conversation with pure curiosity. “I wonder why it’s good to eat cucumbers?”

This will likely be a learning experience for you too!

The Connected Chef works with families to use food as a way to connect with one another. Our children’s gardening and cooking classes and individual family programs both allow us to work with clients to problem solve the struggles of parenthood and food. The results: Kids who feel empowered to make independent & healthy food choices and develop a natural respect for their environment and community; Parents who are able to take a breath and connect with their kids instead of engaging in the ever-present struggle of mealtime. Join our community and stay connected by following us on Facebook and Instagram.      

Are your social media boundaries broken?

Now that we are under self quarantine to help stop the spread of the Coronavirus, I have struggled with the amount of time I’m on social media. 

Sound familiar? 


Chase Young is the founder of The Mommy Rebellion a place for judgment-free parenting.  She’s created a place to get tips, tools and support for what it is truly like to be a mother, stories from the trenches that show you you’re not alone.  Tips that real mothers use.  Tools to give to yourself and to your parenting friends to feel more focused, have more patience and energy, and feel less tired and snappy .  
You can follow Chase here on this blog, sign up for her newsletter here and follow her on Facebook and Instagram.

What if Coronavirus is an invitation instead of a punishment?

My fairy Godmother, Jennifer Moore, joins us today with her words of wisdom and an important question… Life will go on VS OMG it’s the end of the world! What if Coronavirus is an invitation instead of a punishment?
Stay connected with Jen on her Facebook and Instagram  pages, her website, and I highly recommend her Empathic Mastery Book!!! 
Jennifer Moore is a mentor & healer for sensitive intuitive women. Jen holds a Master’s Degree in Psychology & Religion, she’s also an Accredited Master Trainer for EFT International and founder of the Empathic Mastery Academy. Jen is the author of Empathic Mastery, host of Empathic Mastery Radio, and creator of two oracle decks and the photographic Healing Tarot. Bringing over thirty years of personal & professional experience, Jen merges practicality, intuition and wisdom to offer insight, guidance & emotional freedom to those she serves.

Everything Will Be Okay

Sarah Spiegel Dunn is with us today with a powerful reminder – IT WILL BE OKAY!

There is no perfect way to Mom and perfect doesn’t matter. Through the million zillion beautiful moments and just as many “oh my god I can’t handle this; how will I get through this” moments, IT WILL BE OKAY!

To the mom who is getting in her car for the first time solo with a new baby….it will be ok. 

To the mom who is leaving for the first time to go somewhere WITHOUT her baby…it will be ok.

To those experiencing that feeling in your throat, the pounding of your heart, the “can I do this?”; the “should I do this?”; the “will this ever feel normal?” 

Yes. You can. You should. It will.

To the moms who have to go back to work, who have to try to act “normal” around coworkers when ALL THE EMOTIONS are happening at the same time: it will be ok.

To the moms who feel the push pull of the happiness to be doing a thing that’s your own mixed with the deep sadness to be leaving to go do that thing.  Who feel the excitement to have some alone time mixed with the guilt at the excitement about the alone time. 

Who knew it was possible to feel so much and be SO conflicted! And.. IT WILL BE OKAY. 

To the parents experiencing all the firsts: the first bite of food, the first public baby-wearing moment, the first overnight trip with the baby away from home; the first public melt down; the first nursing or feeding or first anything in the back of the car…the first time you forget that one thing that you REALLY needed to make the outing NOT a disaster…It will all be ok.

The first time I drove somewhere with my baby was a ten minute drive to visit with my parents. They were renting a house nearby for a few weeks to be helpful in those early days of first getting home from the hospital. My son shrieked and screamed the whole way until he was red in the face. We pulled over three times to make sure he was ok. My husband assured me “if he’s crying, he’s breathing.” I texted a dear friend and she kindly told me “it’s your baby hazing you,” a phrase which made me smile for a moment, but then I burst into tears anyway.

The first year of motherhood for me was far from perfect. We had a million zillion beautiful moments  and just as many “oh my god I can’t handle this; how will I get through this” moments. 

We had sleepless nights, nights where we took shifts holding the baby and set alarms to make sure we didn’t fall asleep while doing so. Sleep training nights later on where we nearly lost our minds and sat half in tears waiting for our baby to fall asleep. I got on several planes and flew miles away from my baby for a job I adore, and both loved the time away and mourned the time away. I pumped every three hours on planes, on boats, in hotel rooms, and cars. 

We also had moments that stunned me with their magic and shocked me with their power. The first smile. The first babbles. The first (and every time really) falling asleep on my chest. The first time I heard “mama.” 

Things didn’t always go as planned (and rarely will I’m sure.) I had to do things that made me WILDLY uncomfortable. I had to be brand new again at something and this time the stakes were incredibly high (keeping this tiny creature happy and alive.) 

This year I learned there is no perfect and perfect doesn’t matter. Nursing or not, sleeping in a crib or in the bed, baby led weaning or mashing it all up, cloth diapers or not, all these things that seemed so so important to me to be making the RIGHT choice, in hindsight there was no right choice, just the choice that worked for me and my family. 

The idea of “mom guilt” was always something I thought was put on mothers by others. I thought people might point their fingers at me and say, “well how could you possibly, xyz.”  (And I’m sure that happens and did happen to me and I was probably too sleep deprived to notice.) 

What surprised me about mom guilt was that so much of it happens naturally and we generate so much of it on our own: we are constantly weighing our choices, wondering if we are doing enough, doing it right, being good parents, handling it all. We do all this while trying to keep a smile on our faces and without being impatient with our mutually sleep deprived partners and of course keeping it together in front of our little people….and wow that’s a lot for any person to try to do. 

If I could write a letter to myself a year ago, in those excited but also terrified days waiting for my son’s arrival, I would say this: Be easy and loving to yourself. Be prepared for the unexpected and get ready to be both humbled and ecstaticly joyful. It will all be ok. You will be ok. You will be excellent.

Sarah Spiegel Dunn is a mama, business owner, wife, and lover of yoga. She has had a long time love of building and supporting community and enjoys creating connection and transformation for individuals and groups through classes, workshops, transformational retreats, and trainings both locally and internationally.

She is the founder and owner of Samudra Studio, community-based yoga and meditation studios in downtown Saco and Biddeford. Sarah particularly loves the process of mentoring other yoga teachers through her one on one programs and supporting them in growing their own businesses and following their dreams.

In 2016, Sarah quit her 9-5 job to open Samudra Studio in Saco, which she has grown into a thriving community since then. Samudra opened its second location downtown Biddeford this past new years day.

Sarah gave birth to her son, Walden, last year and has enjoyed the journey into motherhood and learning to navigate being both a thriving, successful business owner and dedicated mama. When she’s not teaching yoga or spending time with her sweet family, you’ll catch her at the beach with her fur baby, Kenobi, and enjoying the incredible community of female business owners in Biddeford and Saco.

Back Burnered Business

Katie Gall joins us today asking – “What choice do you need to make?”
Katie chooses grace, ease, nesting, and not building.
She realized she can’t be in a mental growth space for her business AND her future pregnancy at the same time. 

I’m the kind of person who fully believes she can have it all, do it all, and be it all. For my whole life, I’ve been fully entrenched in the Superwoman complex and my internal pendulum widely swung between being completely awash in feeling of successful bliss, and total burnout and sickness.

So having my first child was hard for me. Like, really hard. I had been told that I would feel totally different and really need time to chill out, lower my stress levels, and nest, but I was pretty sure I could just push through the fatigue, like I always had, and persist.

Didn’t work out that way. My kid came two months early and my whole life stopped for a while as I sat in the NICU waiting for him to be able to feed himself, regulate his own temperature, and do other normal baby things…

After we were out of the hospital and over the course of the next year, I slowly was able to work my way back to my business. I am a voice teacher and a life coach for performers, so I work for myself mostly. Which, as anyone with kids knows, basically means you have two full time jobs and three quarters of the time you don’t get directly paid for any of the work you’re doing.

When our second pregnancy came around, I again just kept persisting and working to keep my business up and going while wanting to puke the whole time. I wanted my business to GROW so that when the baby came it would be a machine I didn’t have to take so much care of.

Unfortunately, that pregnancy ended in a chemical termination because it became too dangerous for my life for it to continue.

Which really put things into perspective…

I WANT another child. And we’re exploring avenues like adoption, but recently we were also “cleared” to start trying again. (I use the quotes because the doctors never say that directly, but instead just make sure we know what the risks are like… SUPER clearly…)

In my case, it could all turn out to be a totally normal and healthy pregnancy! Or… it might not.

Something about this coming attempt that made me realize my drive and determination to build my business needs to be put on hold. It’s not like I can’t keep moving in that direction, but my emotional energy needs to go into taking care of my body in the best way possible so that it’s a warm and safe place for a baby to grow.

That doesn’t work well if you end up lying in bed at night with your mind spinning with business ideas or if you feel like you are constantly running from meeting to meeting.

It’s not that the action is wrong. It’s that, for me, it asks me to harden when I need to soften. Intellectualize when I need to listen to my intuition. Survive on coffee instead of water and good food. Stay up to “get shit done” when my body is telling me I need to sleep.

I can’t be in a mental growth space for my business AND my future pregnancy at the same time. They’re two different drives for me.

So while I have big ideas and programs I want to put in place. I try to constantly remind myself that it’s OK for me to rest. To take a break. To give my body space and love.

I try to remind myself that I have TIME. I’m still young. Especially in comparison to many women I know who are getting their own businesses up and going who are 10+ years older than me. (I know… I shouldn’t compare… but it’s helpful for me…)

I’ve got shit to do. But I also know what I want my life to look like. And I can’t control it all. But what I can control is my emotional space and my reactions to stress. 

While hoping for another child, I choose grace. I choose ease. I choose nesting, not building.

What choice do you need to make?

Katie Gall helps people discover the full power of their body’s ability to achieve optimal health, create a habit of self-love, and live in harmony with their body.

She is a Health, Wellness and Empowerment Coach who helps people discover the full power of their body’s ability to achieve optimal health, create a habit of self-love, and live in harmony with their body.

Connect with Katie on Facebook and Instagram