Put Your Own F*cking Oxygen Mask On FIRST

Once Calandra Martin began prioritizing her wellbeing everything in her life started shifting into harmony.

She shares her wisdom and the ways she was able to put on her own oxygen mask first and reminds us we deserve to flourish in ALL areas of our life!


As a toddler mom to a busy little boy, a full time entrepreneur, and full time dog rescue worker the concept of burnout is something I’m highly familiar with. When it comes to putting your own f•cking oxygen mask on I’ve learned that it’s not only something supportive, but necessary to create lasting forward movement. 

I’ll backtrack a little bit…

My journey in online entrepreneurship started simultaneously with my journey of motherhood. I gave birth to my son knowing that I didn’t have a backup plan for creating income to provide for my family. As soon as I started my maternity leave, there was no looking back or returning to work. I simply refused to leave my son with someone else!  

In the midst of navigating growing an online business, I was also learning how to be a mom. We all know there is no handbook to life and I’ll be the first to admit that I failed a lot along the way. 

The early stages of caring for a newborn left me crying in the livingroom at 3am more times than I can count. The same is true for business. Anyone that tells you either of these experiences is always easy…is lying. 

When it came to “self-care” I didn’t make any space intentionally for this. I was driven by my desire to create the freedom I was craving in my life, but the constant hustle came at a huge cost. 

The alarms started to sound when I noticed that I wasn’t making movement in my business, my personal relationship was struggling and I constantly felt like I was in survival mode. Hello stress and anxiety, nice to meet you. 

I recognized that something had to change. This is when I discovered that putting my own f*cking oxygen mask on was non-negotiable. 

Everything started to shift when I began prioritizing my wellbeing. 

Once I got intentional with my time, focused on tasks that produced the highest return on investment, and really focused on the intention behind my goals I was able to find a harmony that felt good. 

I’m going to share the ways that I put my own f*cking oxygen mask on, but I also want to encourage you to get curious. Your life dynamic might look really different from mine. The things that make you feel good get to be unique to you, and that is where this gets to be fun!

 1) Plan ahead. 

I’m a spur of the moment kind of gal, I love to be kept on my toes but that doesn’t always support my wellbeing. I’ve learned that in order to be a wizard with my time, I need to plan my life and business ahead as far as possible. 

Some tools that I use to do this are my Google Calendar and Trello. I create recurring events for anything I can predict in advance and I make a year-ahead board in Trello to mark down things like school vacations, holidays etc. 

2) Leave room for changes. 

Just because you have a plan, doesn’t mean life always goes as planned. Cars break down, kids get sick, life happens unexpectedly sometimes. 

If you want to be able to ride the waves you must get into the mindset that sometimes shit just goes wrong, and that is okay. This isn’t about being perfect, it’s about keeping your shit together for the long-term. 

Start planning for the unexpected. Get AAA, have a babysitter on call, make a list of your support system. Knowing what to do when something goes awry is going to set you up for the unplanned. 

 3) Get your priorities straight.

This goes hand in hand with planning and gets easier with practice. Before I had my son I always went about life a little bit willy-nilly. We moved a lot, I jumped from job to job, meals were never planned…life was a bit scattered. 

What happens if we don’t set an intention? Life just sort of happens and we’re left wondering where the hell time went and how we got here. If you want to feel good in your day to day, and look back feeling a sense of fulfillment? 

Be intentional. 

Sit down and prioritize. Set your budget, consider how much time you are spending on what & where, look at the things you want to accomplish. This will help you reverse engineer your plans. 

When we prioritize what really matters to us (psst, self care should be on that list) we’re able to fulfill all of our needs. 


4) Ask for support. 

In everything we do it’s essential to have support. After learning this the hard way in business, and spending the first year of motherhood feeling really freaking lonely I can tell you that support is crucial. 

As you’re setting your priorities and wondering “how the hell am I going to do all of this?!” I want you to start looking at what you can take OFF your plate. 

Getting support doesn’t make you less-than or unworthy. It doesn’t make you a bad mom/wife/sister/friend. 

Trust me when I tell you that everyone will benefit when your cup is full and you have the space to breathe. Asking for support can look really different for all of us, but know that it’s okay to do so. 


5) Have fun, damn it! 

Life isn’t meant to be so serious all of the time. We are here to play, to explore, to be lit up and joyful. As you start thinking about putting your own f*cking oxygen mask on, think about what you can do that will feel fun and nourishing for you. 

Go make a list of all of the things you aspire to do and plug these in, bit by bit, into your priorities and schedule. 

Remember, you deserve to be flourishing in all areas of your life. Putting your own f*cking oxygen mask on is setting an example for future generations. I encourage you to share how you are taking action on this! We are stronger together, so let’s cheer each other on! 

Tag @calandra.martin and @mommyrebellion in your IG stories and share with us – what do you do to keep the tiny humans alive and care for yourself FIRST?

Calandra is a branding coach, designer and social media strategist helping female entrepreneurs stand out in the online space. She is the founder of Confident Creative Co. and the host of the Magnetic Boss Podcast. 

She is passionate about helping women cultivate unique businesses that infuse fun and personality into everything they do. She teaches entrepreneurs that growing a business doesn’t have to feel hard, cookie cutter, or forced.

Visit calandramartin.com to learn more and get connected. Follow Calandra on Facebook @calandramartin and Instagram @calandra.martin and subscribe to The Magnetic Boss Podcast on iTunes!

He Won’t Be Here Much Longer

The lovely and brilliant Michelle Dionne Thompson‘s son is off on an adventure and she may or may not be crying in the parking lot. Michelle reminds us of the importance of letting our kids be there own person and to cherish the moments we have with them NOW.
When I’m posting on social media, I often call my 15-year-old son “grumpalescent.” And it’s not because he’s horrible. I’ve actually gotten off the adolescent hook. He does his homework without nagging. He can cook food for himself. He is always where he’s supposed to be. He makes sure my spouse and I are on our game with what he needs in school. He gets really good grades. He still plays the piano. He excels at track (yep, the medals and ribbons are all his!). I like his friends. But he rarely speaks. When he’s finished his homework, he plays video games. Loudly. And late. I have to nag him to play the piano. He generally doesn’t want to leave home. To do anything. There’s no more snuggling close to my little. Because he’s not little. He’s about an inch shorter than me (I’m 5’10”). 😱 And then there are these moments where I must savor my time with him . . . he’s off to college in two years, but who’s counting. His school goes on an annual ski trip and this is one of the best things for him. It happens between the two terms. They pack up a couple of buses and head to Stowe, Vermont.  He realized that he needed to pack. He quietly walked up to me and said “Mommy, could you help me pack?” My answer, OF COURSE!!!! You want me to spend time with you? For ANY purpose? ABSOLUTELY!! We sorted out and found all of the things he needed for his trip. And then we got to the toiletries.  He didn’t like the Lush deodorant I gave to him, so I wrote down the deodorant he really likes. He needed toothpaste. He needed a travel toothbrush. And he asked me to go get it for him.  And I got it for him.  The following day, he asked me to bring him to school and drop him off for the trip. I dropped him off in front of the bus. The waterworks were trying to start. This is the fourth year we’ve done this and it’s still really hard to say goodbye to him. I told him I’m grabbing a hug. He reluctantly agreed. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself when he goes to college. I thought my heart was being ripped in half having him leave for a 3-day skiing trip. AN ENTIRE SEMESTER?!?! This year, we’re going to start looking at colleges. I’m going to show him what different kinds of schools look like. We’re not visiting Harvard (I don’t think . . . that’s up to him). We are going to look at schools that will have solid track programs. Perhaps he’ll look at business or economics programs. That’s up to him. Because given what he’s done, he could probably go anywhere. And I’d be totally fine with him attending a school right here in NYC, so I don’t have to sob when he leaves.

I’m not crying, you’re crying.
Michelle Dionne Thompson, Ph.D., JD is the Founder and CEO of Michelle Dionne Thompson Coaching and Consulting, a primarily coaching business that works with women in law and academia to set and meet aligned goals sanely in the midst of insane industries. A recovering lawyer and a historian, she also teaches college and is writing her first book, Jamaica’s Accompong Maroons (1838 – 1905): Retooled Resistance for Continued Existence.